Should you do the electrical wiring in your own residence? Sometimes, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

A good third of our jobs are fixing outlets, switches, and wiring that was “fixed” by well meaning family members that had no idea what they were doing. Sometimes the wiring was wired backwards or just incorrectly.

Electricians Are Expensive

One has to work 4,000 hours just to gain the training to become an electrician in Alaska. Many of whom have to buy their own special tools to work with complex wiring systems. Then they have to study for a very long, intense time, to be able to an examination for the “Journeyman” title. Then when they want to be an electrical contractor, they have to go through crazy amounts of studying all over again, to be able to pass an Admin Electrician test. All this takes several years to be able to accomplish. Most of the general public has no idea of the time, education, and money it takes to get the business up and running.

Is It Worth The Cost?

Then, they risk their lives to save others. Electricians walk into all kinds of dangerous situations to keep electricity flowing in our homes.  So, I would say yes, it is definatly worth the investment to hire a professional electrician.